Saturday, October 25, 2008

75 Days Left on 08

Now I know there are less than 75 days left on 08, but just over a week ago Pastor Troy challenged each person on staff to set a 10-week goal. I accepted the challenge. I bought a journal and a pen. I love pens. Nothing feels better than writing with a good pen. Sorry, back on track. Pastor Troy encouraged to set goals for ourselves in: How many books will you read before the end of the year. How many CD/MP3's will you listen to. How many days will you work out each week. How many Major Ideas will you develop? How many days will you eat right. He challenged us to come up with 3 more goals for our selves: Spend more quality time with my wife and kids. Spend more quality time with my friends. Start writing again.

In my journal I'm keeping track of all of the above and I've got to tell you, it's an eye opener. The time you think you're spending at home - not there. The major ideas need to be written down and talked about. The books to be read - I need to get past the first few chapters and finish before going to the next one. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I'm embracing this challenge head on. I will finish strong. I deserve better for myself. God desivers my best. God will get my best!

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