Monday, October 27, 2008

Eating in the Rain

Eating in the Rain... not very comfortable. It's the title to a new book I've started writing. Part autobiography, part novel. The pain I feel for what my wife has been going through over the past few years has had a great impact on everyone in our family. The more I prayed about our situation, the more God showed me that I need to stay the course. God did His best work through those that were going through tough times. I believe God has great things in store for our family, for being faithful to Him in the good times and the bad times. I'll share more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tami said...

Now THAT's a title! Can't wait to read it!

I KNOW God has used tough times to really bring about change and insight in my life. It's such an AWESOME thing to write about... many times we can fall into the trap believing because we struggle we are failing... but if we just open up to what God is trying to teach us through the difficulties we quickly realize that not only are we NOT failing we are actually learning some REALLY important stuff through it all.